About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Hello, I'm Julia, a Certified Regenerative Detoxification Specialist, Certified Iridologist, BCND, EEM-CP, NRT.

My Story
I have had a passion for health and healing throughout my life. I was born to a woman who was exhausted, fatigued, and suffered with rheumatoid arthritis. I too was sick. In my first year of school, I missed half the year due to hospitalizations, illnesses and reactions to a vaccine. There were times when I had no resistance to dying. I didn't care if I lived or died. When I can home from school, I would lie my head across my mother's lap - exhausted. I could not learn in school, and this lead to a complex about my capabilities.
Mother was suffering too, as were all of us children. She was obviously searching for answers, because she took us off the Standard American Diet of white bread, baloney and Twinkies. I wanted my sugar! But she was strong, she took the arrows from me and other family members, as wells as the "authorities". She took her own health seriously and brought her own body into health through diet and fasting. We lived on a farm which allowed her to grow her own garden, as her health and energy increase, she no longer had the fatigue, joint pain and vision issues that had previously plagued her.
With my experience of recovery and having watched her grow strong, impressed me deeply. I learned to eat fruits and vegetables. Since the age of six, this has remained my base diet. However, with other influences in my life, stress and work demands, I reached for starches and coffee or wine to boost me. For a time, I was taught and convinced to use a Paleo diet. I have since learned how this hinders the body's filtering system and ability to remain healthy.
I was always seeking health information and studied with well known teachers including Donna Eden of Eden Energy Medicine, Nutrition Response Testing with Dr. Ulan, BioEnergetic Medicine with Dr. Embree and Regenerative Detoxification with Dr. Robert Morse. I also obtained my Board Certification Doctor of Naturopathy.
Years of health training built upon the other, until I came across Dr. Robert Morse's Regenerative Detoxification. This is when I recognized I had come full circle. I realized how my mother had healed herself and us as children. I am so grateful to her in giving me this foundation in health and knowing the body regenerates and heals itself. Sharing how the body heals is a passion of mine. I feel for people who are suffering and I want you to know there is a way to heal. Vitality can be yours.
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